How long do cats sleep?

We recognize cats for their independent nature and their love of sleep. On average, cats sleep from 12 to 16 hours a day! Cats sleep a lot more than humans do, mainly because cats are natural predators, so they have developed to sleep more during the day in order to be active at night. This rested state helps them to hunt more accurately when it’s dark outside. So, how long do cats sleep? It depends on the individual cat and their particular lifestyle.

A cat’s average sleep time

As we said, cats are nocturnal creatures and need that extra rest to stay healthy and alert. Adult cats sleep for an average of 15 hours per day; kittens need between 18 and 20 hours of sleep. During daytime, cats take brief naps of 15 minutes, usually after eating or playing. It is important to provide them with a comfortable and safe environment in which to sleep to help them feel relaxed and secure.

A sleep schedule for your cat

Creating a sleep schedule for your cat is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. Cats are very active, yet they also need plenty of rest to stay healthy. Below are some tips for a successful sleep schedule for your cat.

Determine your cat’s energy levels. Cats are most active in the morning and evening, so if your cat seems active in the middle of the day, it may mean that they need more sleep. Set aside some time each day to observe your cat’s behavior and get an idea of when they are most energetic and when they are most likely to sleep.

Set up a regular bedtime routine. Cats thrive on routine, so it’s important to establish a consistent bedtime. Bedtime should occur at or around the same time each night. To help your cat wind down, provide them with a comfortable bed, and play some calming music or sound.

Provide plenty of exercise during the day, which is important for cats, as it helps them use up their energy during the day and can help them sleep better at night. Provide plenty of toys and activities to keep active during the day, such as scratching posts and laser pointers.

Be consistent. Sticking to the same routine every day will help your cat adjust to their new sleep schedule. It’s also important to keep in mind that cats need more sleep than humans, so be sure to provide them with plenty of restful hours. Creating a sleep schedule for your cat can help keep them healthy and happy. With some careful observation and a consistent routine, you can help ensure that your cat gets the sleep they need to stay happy and healthy.

Helping Your Cat Sleep Better

While the exact length and frequency of naps may vary from cat to cat, we know that cats need more sleep than humans and that cat naps can benefit their overall health and well-being.

The first benefit of cat naps is that they help cats to stay alert and active during the day. These period of rest help cats conserve energy, as they obviously spend less energy when they are sleeping. As a result, cats are often more energetic when they wake up.

Cat naps can also help the animals to stay healthy and fit. During sleep, cats — like humans — enter a state of rest that allows their bodies to repair and rejuvenate. This can help cats to maintain their strength and muscle tone. Cat naps can help cats to regulate their body temperature, as they regulate their body temperature through sleep. Cat naps can help cats to remain balanced.

During sleep, cats can process their experiences and sort through their emotions. This can help cats to remain balanced and can reduce stress levels. So, how can you help your cat to sleep better? The first step is to create a comfortable sleeping environment for your cat. Make sure that your cat’s bed is in a quiet area of your home, away from any noises or distractions. Cats prefer to sleep in a warm and cozy environment, so make sure that the temperature of your home is comfortable for your cat. You can also encourage your cat to take more frequent naps by providing them with stimulating activities throughout the day.

Playing with your cat or providing them with toys can help to keep them active, which can make them more likely to take catnaps during the day. You can try to establish a regular sleeping schedule for your cat. Cats are creatures of habit, so having a consistent bedtime routine can help your cat to fall asleep more easily.


Cats can sleep anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day, with the average around 15 hours. This is because of their natural predatory nature of hunting, which requires them to have longer sleep periods. Cats will also prefer different sleeping patterns based on their age, lifestyle and environment.
