What are PBDEs?

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a group of chemical compounds used as flame retardants in a variety of consumer products, including furniture, electronics, and carpets. PBDEs were first produced in the 1970s and are still used today, although their use has been phased out in some countries due to increasing evidence that these chemicals are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT). PBDEs have been linked to a variety of health effects, including potential impacts on the nervous and reproductive systems, as well as the development of cancer. In this article, we will take a closer look at PBDEs, their uses, and the potential health risks they impose.

Understanding PBDEs

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of synthetic chemicals used as flame retardants in a variety of consumer products, from furniture to electronics to cars. Unfortunately, these chemicals are toxic and can pose a serious threat to human health. In this article, we’ll explain what PBDEs are, the risks associated with them, and what you can do to minimize your exposure. PBDEs are a group of 209 different chemical compounds that are used to reduce the risk of fire in products that contain combustible materials. They are often added to foam, plastics, and fabrics to provide a flame retardant layer. Unfortunately, these chemicals are not chemically bound to the materials they are added to, so they can leach into the environment and accumulate in the food chain. When these chemicals enter the human body, they can disrupt hormones, cause cancer, and cause neurological and reproductive damage. Studies have also found that exposure to PBDEs can lead to lower IQ and hyperactivity in children. The good news is that the use of PBDEs has been greatly reduced in many countries due to regulations. However, the effects of these chemicals linger, as they are still present in many products that were manufactured before the regulations were in place. To reduce your exposure to PBDEs, try to avoid purchasing products that contain them. Be sure to look for labels on furniture and electronics that indicate whether they have been treated with flame retardant chemicals. You can also reduce your exposure by ventilating your home regularly and avoiding products containing brominated flame retardants. Finally, if you’re concerned about PBDEs, you can contact your local environmental agency to find out if any clean-up efforts are underway in your area. The agency may also be able to give you advice on how to reduce your exposure to these chemicals. PBDEs are still a major environmental concern, but there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure. By being aware of the risks associated with these chemicals and taking steps to minimize your exposure, you can protect your health and the environment.

Environment and health

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of flame retardants used in a variety of products, including furniture, electronics, and textiles. PBDEs are released into the environment through various pathways, including off-gassing, leaching, and improper disposal of products containing them. The chemicals can also be released into the environment as a result of combustion, such as burning of plastics, wood, and other materials containing PBDEs. Once in the environment, PBDEs can be found in water, air, and soil. They are then taken up by plants and animals, including humans, and accumulate in their bodies over time. Studies have shown that PBDEs can have a range of negative effects on human health. The chemicals have been linked to neurological and reproductive problems, as well as an increased risk of cancer. In addition, PBDEs are considered to be endocrine disruptors, meaning they can interfere with the body’s endocrine system and disrupt normal hormone function. The chemicals have been found to interfere with the body’s ability to regulate thyroid hormones, which can lead to a range of health problems, including infertility, birth defects, and neurological disorders. Due to the potential health risks associated with PBDEs, their use has been restricted or banned in many countries. However, the chemicals can still be found in products sold in many parts of the world. To reduce exposure to PBDEs, it is important to look for products that are labeled as "PBDE-free" and to properly dispose of products containing the chemicals.

A growing problem

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are increasing in prevalence in everyday household products, posing potential health risks to those who use them. PBDEs are a group of brominated flame retardant chemicals used in many consumer products, such as furniture, electronics, and textiles. They are used to reduce the flammability of materials and to reduce the risk of fire. Unfortunately, as more and more PBDEs enter the environment, they are finding their way into our homes. Studies have found that PBDEs can be detected in the air, dust, and house dust of homes, and concentrations are higher in homes with more furniture and electronics. In addition, PBDEs have been detected in human breast milk and blood samples, raising concerns about the health effects of these chemicals. PBDEs have been linked to a number of health issues, including endocrine disruption, reproductive and developmental problems, neurological disorders, and cancer. Exposure to PBDEs can occur through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. Although the exact levels of exposure necessary to cause these health problems are not known, it is important to limit exposure to these chemicals. In order to reduce exposure to PBDEs, consumers should be aware of the products they purchase. Furniture and electronics that contain PBDEs may be labeled with the words "flame retardant" or "flame retardant chemicals." Consumers should avoid buying these products and opt instead for furniture and electronics that do not contain PBDEs. Additionally, it is important to vacuum regularly and use a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces to reduce the amount of dust in the home. PBDEs are a growing problem in our homes and it is important to take steps to reduce our exposure to them. By avoiding products that contain PBDEs, regularly cleaning our homes, and taking other steps to reduce exposure, we can help protect our families from these potentially dangerous chemicals.

Common sources

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs, are a group of man-made chemicals used to make flame retardants. They can be found in a variety of household items such as upholstered furniture, electronic equipment, bedding, carpets, and draperies. PBDEs have been used in household goods since the 1970s and are still used in some countries today. They are released into the environment through everyday activities such as vacuuming, burning, and disposing of items containing the chemicals. PBDEs can also be released into the air and water through industrial processes. PBDEs can accumulate in the environment and be taken up by living organisms. They can cause adverse health effects, including reproductive, developmental, and neurological problems. The most common sources of PBDEs in homes and businesses are furniture and electronics that contain flame retardants. Upholstered furniture, mattresses, carpets, draperies, and electronics such as televisions and computers are the most likely to contain PBDEs. Some older furniture, carpets, and electronics may contain PBDEs, but newer versions do not. To reduce your exposure to PBDEs, look for products that are labeled "no flame retardants" or "PBDE-free." In addition to furniture and electronics, some other items may also contain PBDEs. These include foam padding, textiles, and plastics. While these items may not be labeled as containing PBDEs, they should still be handled with care. To reduce your exposure to PBDEs, avoid purchasing items that contain them, use proper disposal methods for items that may contain PBDEs, and avoid burning items that may contain them. Additionally, regularly vacuuming furniture and carpets can help reduce the amount of PBDEs in the air of your home or business.

Reducing exposure

PBDEs, or polybrominated diphenyl ethers, are a group of chemicals used in fire retardants that can be found in products such as furniture, mattresses, and electronics. While these chemicals help reduce the risk of fire, they can also pose health risks to humans and animals. To help reduce your exposure to PBDEs in your home environment, follow these steps.
1. Choose furniture and other items that are PBDE-free. When shopping for furniture, mattresses, and electronics, look for products that are labeled "PBDE-free" or "PBDE-free certified." This will help ensure that the product does not contain any PBDEs.
2. Consider replacing old furniture. PBDEs have been used in furniture and other items for many years. If you have furniture or mattresses that are more than 10 years old, consider replacing them with newer PBDE-free models.
3. Ventilate your home. Ventilating your home can help reduce your exposure to PBDEs. Open your windows or use a fan to increase the amount of fresh air in your home.
4. Vacuum regularly. Vacuuming your floors and furniture can help reduce the amount of PBDEs that accumulate in your home.
5. Wash your hands after handling furniture. PBDEs can accumulate on hands from touching furniture, so it’s important to wash your hands after handling furniture or any items that may contain PBDEs. By taking these steps, you can help reduce your exposure to PBDEs in your home environment and potentially reduce your health risks.


PBDEs are a class of flame retardant chemicals that are commonly used in furniture and other household items. They are known to be toxic to humans and animals and can be found in the environment and in the human body. PBDEs can accumulate over time and are linked to a variety of health concerns. For this reason, PBDEs are being phased out in many countries and replaced with safer alternatives.


  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) | Public Health Statement | ATSDR. (n.d.). https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/PHS/PHS.aspx?phsid=1449&toxid=183
  • What are PBDEs? (n.d.). https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/pbde.html
  • What are PBDE’s and why should I be concerned? (2011, October 27). OEcotextiles. https://oecotextiles.blog/2010/07/21/what-are-pbdes-and-why-should-i-be-concerned/