What is co-sleeping?

Co-sleeping is a parenting technique that involves allowing a baby to sleep in the same bed as the parent or parents. This technique is a natural and safe way to keep your baby close. The practice has been around for centuries, but it has become popular in recent years. Advocates of this technique claim that it helps babies sleep better, makes it easier for parents to get rest themselves, and makes breastfeeding more convenient.

Critics of co-sleeping maintain that it increases the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), increases parental stress levels, and may inhibit separation issue in kids.

co-sleeping baby and mother

Types of arrangements

There are several different co-sleeping arrangements available, each with their own unique benefits and drawbacks.

The most common type of co-sleeping is known as sidecar co-sleeping. This involves placing the baby’s bed or bassinet next to the parents’ bed, either attached or unattached. This arrangement provides the baby with the comfort of being close to their parents, while still allowing them to sleep in a separate space. It also allows for easy nighttime breastfeeding or comforting. Family bed co-sleeping is another popular option, which involves having the baby sleep in the same bed as the parents. This arrangement is beneficial because it allows for parental closeness, as well as easy nighttime breastfeeding. However, it can be dangerous if the parents are not careful, as the baby could be crushed or suffocated.

Bed-sharing is another type of co-sleeping that involves the baby and parents sleeping in the same bed. This arrangement is beneficial because it allows for physical closeness and nighttime breastfeeding, while also providing the security of having someone else in the bed. However, it is important to practice safe bed-sharing, as the baby could become wedged between the mattress and the wall, or suffocate if the parent rolls over onto them.

Sometimes, parents may choose to use a co-sleeper. This is a separate bed that is attached to the parents’ bed and allows the baby to sleep in their own space while still being close to the parents. This arrangement is beneficial because it allows for nighttime closeness and breastfeeding, while also providing the baby with a separate sleeping space.


The pros and cons

Co-sleeping is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. It’s the idea that parents and their children sleep in the same bed, sometimes even sharing a pillow. While it used to be more common to co-sleep with your children, it’s become rare in the past few decades. In fact, according to several surveys, only around 8% of American families co-sleep with their infants. But what are some benefits of co-sleeping? And do these benefits outweigh the risks?

Co-sleeping has become more popular in recent years, because of its ease and convenience. Parents who choose to co-sleep believe it can be a more intimate way to bond with their children and help them learn about boundaries. However, there are also risks associated with this practice. For example, if you’re breastfeeding your baby and you fall asleep while feeding him or her, they could choke on their own vomit or suffocate against your chest while sleeping face down on top of you.

There are several potential benefits to co-sleeping. One of the most commonly cited is the convenience that it provides for breastfeeding mothers. Co-sleeping makes it easier for mothers to nurse their babies throughout the night, which can help to ensure that their babies receive the nutrition they need. Co-sleeping can help to promote bonding between parents and their babies, as it provides a more intimate sleeping environment.

There are also some risks associated with the practice. One of the most significant is that it can make it more difficult for parents to get a good night’s sleep. Co-sleeping can also increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), as there is a greater likelihood of the baby becoming smothered while sleeping in proximity to their parents. Co-sleeping can make it more difficult for parents to teach their babies healthy sleeping habits, as it may be difficult for babies to learn to soothe themselves if their parents are always nearby.

A safe environment

Ensure that your bed is the proper size and structure for co-sleeping. The mattress should be firm and fit snugly against the sides of the frame. If there are gaps between the mattress and frame, your baby could become trapped. If you are using a bed frame with slats, make sure the slats are only 6 cm apart.

Make sure your bedding is safe. Use only lightweight blankets and comforters to keep your baby warm. Make sure the bedding is not too thick or heavy, as it could make it difficult for your baby to breathe. Pillows and quilts should not be used, as they pose a suffocation hazard.

Create a safe space for your baby to sleep. Place your baby on his or her back, with the bottom of the mattress at least 30 cm away from the wall. Make sure there are no cords, strings, or other objects that could pose a strangulation hazard near your baby’s sleeping area.

Avoid co-sleeping if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you are taking any medications that make you drowsy, it is best to avoid co-sleeping.

Do not smoke in the same room as your baby while co-sleeping. Following these guidelines can help ensure that your baby gets a safe and restful sleep while co-sleeping. Remember, while co-sleeping can be a great way to bond with your baby, take all necessary precautions to ensure your baby’s safety.


Mental and emotional benefits

Co-sleeping, or the practice of sleeping in proximity to another person or persons, has become popular in recent years. While the practice is not for everyone, there are several mental and emotional benefits associated with co-sleeping that should be considered.

One of the primary mental and emotional benefits of co-sleeping is increased feelings of security and safety. For infants, being in close physical contact with a parent or caregiver can provide a sense of security and comfort, during times of stress. For adults, co-sleeping can lead to increased feelings of closeness, intimacy, and connection with a partner or family member.

Sleeping in proximity to another person can lead to a greater sense of security, as one is less likely to be disturbed by external noises when sleeping with a partner. Co-sleeping can also help to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with sleeping alone. For some, sleeping in the same bed as another person can provide a sense of companionship and security that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Co-sleeping can lead to improved sleep quality, as one is less likely to be disturbed or woken up by external noises or disturbances.

Co-sleeping can also lead to improved communication and connection between partners or family members. Sleeping in proximity to another person can lead to increased feelings of closeness and connection, as well as a greater sense of understanding and empathy. This can lead to improved communication and connection between partners and family members.


We’ve all heard stories about co-sleeping gone wrong—the baby who gets smothered by the parent or caregiver when they roll over in their sleep and cover the baby’s face. There are lots of reasons this happens: lack of knowledge about safe practices and a lack of understanding about how to make sure that your baby is safe no matter what position they’re sleeping in. But there are also plenty of reasons you should consider co-sleeping with your baby. The technique helps mom bond with her infant—and vice versa. It is legal in all 50 states as long as there are no other safety issues involved (such as having an unsafe mattress or hazardous sleeping conditions).
