What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is an international movement that works to promote fair and ethical trade practices around the world. The Fairtrade organization works to ensure that producers in developing countries receive a fair price for their products, as well as additional financial support and improved living and working conditions.

The standards cover a wide range of products, including coffee, cocoa, fruits and vegetables, herbs, spices, tea, honey, nuts, and more. By buying Fairtrade products, we guarantee consumers that their money is going to the people who produce their food, rather than to large corporations. This helps to ensure that producers have access to the resources they need to improve their lives and their communities.

fairtrade mark

Fairtrade’s Impact

Since its inception in the late 1980s, Fairtrade International has grown to become a mainstream force in international trade. It has had a profound impact on the lives of the people who make the products we enjoy. By providing producers with a fair wage it helps to reduce poverty, promote gender equality and create more fair working conditions. It also encourages investments in local communities, helping to improve access to education, healthcare and other essential services.

Fairtrade helps to protect the environment by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing the use of harmful chemicals. It also has an important role to play in global trade. By providing producers with a guaranteed minimum price it helps to protect them from volatile markets and price fluctuations. It encourages more ethical trading practices and helps to build more sustainable relationships between producers and buyers. The impact of the movement is not limited to the producers; consumers also feel it. By providing consumers with the opportunity to buy ethically produced products, it encourages them to make more informed purchasing decisions and to support producers in the Global South.


The Fairtrade movement started to ensure that farmers, workers, and artisans in developing countries received fair wages for their products, allowing them to provide for their families and communities.

Fairtrade began as a small grassroots movement in the 1980s in Europe and North America, with the goal of creating an alternative trading system. The movement focused on addressing the injustices faced by farmers and workers in developing countries because of the exploitative trade practices of large multinational companies. Fairtrade supporters wanted to create a system in which small farmers and workers could receive fair wages for their work and be empowered to improve their lives and their communities.

In 1989, The Fairtrade Foundation was established in the United Kingdom as a certification and labeling organization for Fairtrade products. The certification provided an assurance that they make the products under international standards for ethical and sustainable production. This certification also allowed consumers to identify and purchase from companies that were committed to fair wages and sustainable practices.

The Fairtrade movement has since grown, with certification labels appearing on products from more than 70 countries worldwide. The Fairtrade Foundation has also expanded its criteria to ensure that companies are upholding sustainable practices and providing a safe working environment for their workers. In addition, the movement has gained international recognition with the establishment of the Fairtrade International organization in Bonn, Germany.

Today, the Fairtrade movement is a global phenomenon, with over 1.66 million farmers and workers around the world now benefiting from it. From coffee and cocoa to flowers and tea, its products can be found in hundreds of stores in dozens of countries.



  • Buy Fairtrade products: Look for the logo when purchasing items such as coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit, and clothing.
  • Spread the word: Share information about it with family and friends, encouraging them to purchase its products.
  • Make it a habit: Make Fairtrade a regular part of your shopping routine, and choose Fairtrade when available.
  • Ask stores to stock Fairtrade products: Request that retailers in your area begin offering Fairtrade items. Businesses
  • Become a Fairtrade certified business: Register your business to become a certified organization.
  • Stock Fairtrade products: Offer Fairtrade products, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and fruit, in your store.
  • Promote Fairtrade products: Encourage customers to purchase its items by providing information about the benefits of buying Fairtrade.
  • Integrate Fairtrade into your business practices: Incorporate its principles into your business operations, such as paying fair wages and promoting sustainability.


The first thing to understand is that the term "Fairtrade" is used to describe a range of certification labels, all of which are managed and monitored by the Fairtrade Foundation. The Foundation sets out strict standards to ensure that farmers and workers in developing countries receive a fair price for their goods and services. This includes a minimum price for the product and an additional premium that goes into a community fund to help improve their livelihoods.

When looking for Fairtrade products, you’ll see the Fairtrade Mark on the packaging. This is the most widely recognized symbol and shows that the Fairtrade Foundation has certified the product.

Other labels you may come across include Fairtrade International, Fairtrade USA, and Fair for Life. Each of these certifications has different standards and requirements, so it’s important to check the details of the label to ensure you’re buying a genuine Fairtrade product.

Besides the Fairtrade Mark, look out for the Fairtrade logo, which appears on products that contain at least one Fairtrade ingredient. The logo shows that a percentage of the product’s ingredients come from Fairtrade supply chains. It’s important to note that not all ingredients in a product may be Fairtrade certified, so the logo may not always appear on the packaging.

Be aware that they may label some products as "Fair Trade Certified". This is an unrelated certification, which is overseen by a distinct organization. While they may ethically produce these products, they don’t meet the same standards as Fairtrade certified products.


Fairtrade is an recognized system of ethical trading that aims to ensure the sustainable production and distribution of goods. It is a powerful tool that helps to promote and protect the environment by providing a framework for producers and traders to work together. It works by providing fair prices and better working conditions to producers, so they can invest in their businesses and improve their livelihoods. It also helps to ensure that the environment is protected and respected.

By guaranteeing the rights of producers and their communities, Fairtrade encourages sustainable agricultural practices, such as crop rotation, which helps to reduce soil erosion and promote soil fertility. It requires producers to use sustainable input materials, such as organic fertilizers and pest management techniques, to minimize their environmental impact.

Fairtrade also focuses on improving the communities in which its producers operate. It helps to ensure that producers have access to safe working conditions, health care and education, as well as supporting local businesses. This helps to create jobs, reduce poverty and empower communities to take action and become self-sufficient.

In addition, Fairtrade works to reduce the impact of climate change. It promotes the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and encourages producers to use energy-efficient practices. It also works to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions by promoting the use of carbon offsets and encouraging sustainable production methods.


Fairtrade is a global movement that strives to ensure that farmers and workers in developing countries receive fair wages, safe working conditions, and better opportunities for their future. Through this movement, producers in developing countries can secure a more sustainable livelihood and are empowered to take control of their own fate. Fairtrade’s mission is to create lasting, positive change in the lives of people and communities around the world.
